ANT_HTML Conversion Software


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Version 3.0

Microsoft Word to HTML Conversion
and HTML to WYSIWYG Conversion

International Version

* Word for Windows
* WIN 95 ( Word 7.0 )
* NT
* Office 97 / Word 97
* Word for Macintosh &
* Power Macintosh

The template uses hidden text to insert HTML codes into any new or previously prepared Word document or any ASCII document. (The hidden codes are visible to Web browsers.) Type as you normally would and use the tools as described. The editor is designed so that almost everything but typing the text is done for you automatically The template is offered as shareware for a nominal fee. See the README.WRI file for new features, improvements and more information. Also see the copyright notice at the end of this page. The Ant's Web site can be found at

This Guide descibes the tools and features of the ANT_HTML Template: ANT_HTML.DOT. Unlike some other demonstration programs, the ANT_DEMO.DOT program is a working version of the complete program with a few exceptions. (See the README.TXT file for more information.) It's not timed to self-destruct or shut down after a predetermined number of days. Instead, the Ant demo permits you access to all the tools but frequently inserts harmless notes into the document along with the HTML tags. (Naturally, the complete programs do NOT insert any notes.) Since the ANT_DEMO.DOT template is for demonstration purposes only, it is hoped that you will enjoy evaluating the features and maintain a sense of humor while viewing some of the inserted notes. As noted in the Readme file, one particular quote you may see in the HTML to WYSIWYG demo, though, is to be taken seriously. The Eskimo proverb, "Do not make Loon Soup", shall, I believe, forever remain sound advice.

Where necessary, you can substitute the words, "ANT_DEMO" for the words, "ANT_HTML" when reading the tips in the Ant Instruction Guide.

Author: Jill Swift, Montgomery, Texas. USA

Although this guide contains many HTML tips and formatting suggestions, it is not intended as an instruction guide for HTML. If you are already familiar with HTML coding, the features will (I hope) seem "intuitive" and enable you to click on a tool and achieve the expected result.

QUICK TOUR : Read Creating a Hypertext Document and Converting and Saving










1. Copy all the files into the same directory or folder.
(You may name it whatever you like and it can be anywhere;
just so it's NOT within any of your Word directories or folders.)

2. Open Word.
3. Open the ANT_INST.DOC file and double-click the red button. The End.

Note to users of non-English language versions of Word (any version)
and to Office 97-Word 97 users:

The first time you make use of the Ant template, you will likely see a message asking "Save Changes to .DOT file?" (The .DOT file is the template itself.) Answer "YES" to this question so that the macros (the programming code) will be translated and saved in the appropriate language, or, in the case of Word 97 users, "compiled" (i.e. translated into Office 97 programming language. If you answer "NO" to the question, the translation will be required each time you open any document based on the Ant template.

NOTE: You may see a "Warning" message or series of messages when you open the installation file (The ANT_INST.DOC file). (They don't appear again after the Ant template is installed.) Since the Warning messages appear when the code for merely reading user file locations is present in a .DOC like ANT_INST.DOC and is apparently unavoidable on some systems, I thought I'd warn you about the warning. Unlike some other programs, the Ant program does NOT alter ANY of the user's system files. (Please see the README.TXT file for details and installation options.) Just so you know, after double-clicking the red button, the Ant will automatically perform these tasks...

  • ANT_DEMO.DOT will be copied to your Word Templates Directory/Folder.
  • If you have the demo version of the programs, the ANTDEMO.HTM file will be copied to your Word Templates Directory/Folder. (This file is not included in the zip files of the complete programs.)
  • A file ANT_HTML.INI, recording the local information for your copy of the Ant, will be created in your Windows directory/Preferences folder.
    Note: You will be asked during the installation whether you would like to have a tool which attaches the Ant template to any document, automatically installed in the Standard toolbar in your Normal.Dot template. If you choose "YES', a tool with an "A" will be added to the Standard toolbar and will be readily available if and when you want use the Ant program. (You can easily move the tool or delete it later, if you wish.)


If you want to create a new document:

  1. Choose File, New .... (the New Document option button is usually the default selection).
  2. Select the Ant template and choose OK.
  3. Create your document
  4. Save your original document and then
  5. Convert with the CONVERT AND SAVE TOOL

If you want to revise any document (.DOC, .TXT, .HTM, etc.) :

  1. Click on the new INSERT ANY DOCUMENT TOOL. (You may also copy and paste any document into a new one based on the Ant template.)
  2. Select any document in the dialog box which will open and display all your directories and then, click OK.
  3. Revise your document
  4. Save your original document and then
  5. Convert with the CONVERT AND SAVE TOOL

Converting HTML files to WYSIWYG

When revising a document, you may, if you wish, use the Attach Ant macro. It automatically copies and pastes whatever document is the current "active" document into a new one based on the Ant template.

A special tool called "Attach Ant Template" has been included so that you may more easily change a document based on Word's "Normal" (or any other) template to the Ant template. (All documents created in the Ant and saved with .HTM extensions become text files based on the Normal Template.)

      The button then, when clicked, will:
    1. Open the Ant,
    2. Display two of the Ant Toolbars
    3. a) Copy the contents of your current document into the Ant,
      b) Open a blank new document in the Ant if you don't have any documents open so that you can immediately begin to create, edit and/or convert to HTML.
If you're revising a file with an .HTM extension, the Attach Ant Template macro will automatically open a menu of options asking if you wish to immediately WYSIWYG the file or open the document and revise it without WYSIWYG-ing it first. (In the ANT_DEMO template, you can select the HTML to WYSIWYG Tool to see a demo of the conversion process.)

If you chose not to have the "Attach Ant Template" macro automatically installed during the Ant's installation process, you can install the macro manually at any time. Here's how:

To make the macro readily available, copy the macro to your "Normal" template:

    1. While in any ANT document, choose Tools, Macro, Organizer...
    2. From the ANT's list of macros (on the left), select Attach ANT Template.
    3. Make sure the NORMAL.DOT list of macros is on the right.
    4. Choose Copy.
    5. Choose Close.
    6. You may then create a toolbar tool for the macro if you wish.
If you do not choose to use any of the Ant's tools that do this for you... For best results, use Word's Search and Replace feature to search for and replace all paragraph marks with paragraph marks. (That is, search for " ^p " and replace with " ^p " on English language versions of Word 6.0, or search for " ^a" and replace with " ^a" on German versions of Word 6.0, etc. See the Word manual for the Search and Replace character for paragraph marks specific to your version of Word.) ASCII paragraph marks appear the same but behave differently when the macros encounter them.)

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